Monday, August 23, 2010

green chili skillet cornbread, refried beans and noochy veggies

The star of tonight's dinner was definitely the cornbread. I had a green chili pepper from Nancy's garden on my counter, so I decided to make the skillet cornbread recipe from the Veganomicon. I cooked the chili pepper with some onion, and added it to the top of the corn batter before it baked. Such an easy yummy recipe, and we ate the bread warm from the oven, and boy was it good :) The beans are leftover refried beans that my parents made, creamy and satisfying (and all I did to tweak was add some chili powder, needed a lil more heat!). The hubby contributed ti dinner with some sauteed pepper, carrot, garlic and zucchini, cooked with nutritional yeast and Bragg's.

I got fancy with a lil cherry tomato garnish :)

1 comment:

  1. This was fantastic! Peggy gives me too much credit :)
